
Here's a little preview of Halloween. Jessie, Woody, and Bullseye. I thought it would be cute to do duke as Bullseye but Duke would probably eat all the candy and maybe a few trick-or-treaters while he's at it. Maybe I could be Andy's mom and Ryan could be Stinky Pete the prospector. Probably not.


Unknown said...

did you make them or buy them. I was thinking of doing somthing liek that my son jason (2) loves buzz and have my baby be a green alien and my husband and i be woody and jesse

.:michelle:. said...

Bought them, I'm not nearly that crafty! I wish I were. The green alien would be soooo cute! Babies are the best to dress up for Halloween.

Mandy said...

they look so cute in their costumes! i love it! where did you get that jesse hat?

.:michelle:. said...

Mindy got it from Disney online. It even has a red Jessie braid attached to it. Addison wears it all the time.