

I tried Zumba for the first time last night. It was a blast. I'm pretty sure I looked ridiculous. It's okay, so did everyone else. Next time, I will take a towel. I was covered in sweat by the time we were done. Thanks Tiff for the invite, I loved it!


Missy said...

I love Zumba!! I go 3 times a week to Rezults. They have awesome teachers!! Good luck working out. It is definatly a challenge but worth the sweat!!

Tiffanee said...

I'm glad you enjoyed it. You are welcome to join me anytime. and Yes everyone looks silly!

Ruth Mooney said...

The thing I love most about zumba is that there is every size, shape, weight, and age there. I feel right at home. Plus it's a killer workout!

Jamie Slocum said...

I try and go to Zumba every Wednesday...I LOVE IT!!!