
Just a funny story...

I decided I need to share some funny stories about Dodge. So here is one of my favorites:

When he was three and started using the potty like a big boy, he was at Grandma Johnson's house one day using the toilet. While he was doing his business, the lid fell down and smacked him right on his "wiener" (as Dodge calls it). He came out crying and said to grandma: "Grama, grama, my wiener hurts. Kiss it better Grama!", she then replied (while trying to control her laughter), "Dodge, we don't kiss those parts better."

I found this hilarious!! I know his future prom date will enjoy it too!


Mandy said...

I don't know if I remember hearing about this one! Hilarious. It is so fun to read these stories.

Mindy Blake said...

LOL that is TOOOOO funny!!!