
Dodge's recipe for mud...

Dodge told me he wants to be a farmer (among many other things). He said he was going to have pigs and he would make mud for his pigs. He asked me if I knew how to make mud. I thought I did, apparently I was wrong. Here is his version of how to make proper mud for pigs:

"you see mom, you have to take some dirt, then you have to let it rain on it, then you add milk to it, mix it up with a big big shovel, and then add some oil too, then you stomp on it. Then you have mud and the pigs can roll around in it."

I just love our little conversations, I always learn so much.

1 comment:

Mandy said...

Bradley liked how Dodge has to add not only rain but milk and oil to the dirt to make mud. We miss you guys!