
May 11th-14th, 2010

I went up to visit and help clean up Grammy's house. She gave us all a scare by going into cardiac arrest last Monday night. Luckily my Mom was there with her. She ended up in ICU for a couple days and is now finally in rehab. The housing authority is making her house more energy efficient by putting in new windows, replacing the furnace, and insulating the whole basement. We had to get ready for them to come and finish the basement insulation and windows. Sounds easy, except there is a cold storage room filled with bottles and bottles of food storage dating clear back until 1952! My mom and I got in and got busy. We painted the kitchen too. The house is looking great so Grammy can feel right at home when she gets back. I am so glad I got to see my Grammy. I love her so stinking much. That gal is a real fighter. It amazes me how much they did with what they had. I realized how much that we are such an instant gratification generation. My Grammy was an amazing woman who did so much with so little. I don't need a bigger house, I don't need the newest and the best of everything. I am so blessed and I take it for granted nearly every day. I am going to try and be more grateful for all that I am blessed with. I want to teach my children all the values that my Grammy's generation mastered not out of choice, but out of necessity.

It has been way too long since I've seen my mom and her girls. These are pics of me with my mom and my sisters, Niecia and Kaitlyn.

These are the shelves that were packed with jars and jars. Not one of these jars were younger than me. It took three full loads to the dump to get to the bottom of it. Grama's kitchen got a new coat of paint. Amazingly, the yellow we picked out matched exactly the existing yellow that Grammy wanted.

1 comment:

Mandy said...

glad your grandma is doing better. how nice to go up and do all that helping out.