
September 12th, 2009: Sealed for all eternity...

We were sealed together in the Saint George Temple on September 12th. It was such a beautiful day. The sealing was amazing to say the least. We were so lucky to have so many friends and family members to support us. We were even lucky enough to have the timing work out so my brother Kurt could be there before he leaves on his mission. It was an amazing day that we will never forget.

A bunch of our friends from our ward went in together and got us this amazing picture of the Saint George Temple. We proudly hung it in the front room. It is absolutely breathtaking. Thank you all so much!

We also got this frame from our friends Galen and Tiffanee (I totally stole this pic from Tiffanee). We hung it in the hall and it looks perfect! Now we just need to put our picture in it. I will post pictures from the temple as soon as I get them.


Michelle said...

Michelle, I am so happy for you guys! Go often, I am sure you have heard that, but believe it is a must!!! Congrats on your eternal family!!!

Mandy said...

I am so glad I got to be there for it! It was such a beautiful day!

Megan said...

I'm so incredibly happy that you Ryan, Dodge and Addison are now sealed in the Temple. I'm sorry I couldn't be there. I would have loved to be.