
August 13th, 2009: Dodge goes to kindergarten...

I truly cannot believe how fast time has gone by! Our little man is officially in school. The poor guy was sick the first day but went to school regardless. He is a little trooper. He likes his teacher and all the kids in the class. He really enjoyed his second day better because he was feeling better. He even got to ride the bus home his second day of school. He is pretty excited to ride the bus to school and back on monday.

Dodge, we are so proud of you buddy. You are becoming such a big boy. We love you so much!

Enjoying the last bit of summer...

I feel so blessed to have a career that lets me spend so much time with my kids. We have been enjoying the last few days of summer before Dodge starts school. We may not have a very big backyard, but we are glad to have one at all. We have a lot of fun just playing in the sprinklers and sliding into the little pool.