
Dodge's Photography

One of the things Dodge likes to do when he is being mischievous is take the camera and snap a few hundred pics. Usually, these pictures include a few close ups of Dodge's face, his Lego creations, his stuffed animals, and random things around the house. I am always surprised when I go to use the camera and magically my memory card is full. Going through some of his pictures, I decided to post some of his better work. He has recently added his sister to his subjects and some of them turn out pretty cute. Here are a few snapshots by Dodge:

One of the hundreds of close ups with Dodge sticking out his tongue
One of the cuter pics of Addison in her walker

He calls this Lego creation "the pirate house" it is a pretty cool house on stilts with a lower deck and everything.

Blurry but still cute

Addison running away as if mom was coming and about to see that Dodge is taking pictures again!


Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh, that is the cutest thing. Actually, he is pretty good with the camera!!

Mandy said...

hilarious. he actually is a pretty good photographer for 5. jane just ends up taking close ups of the floor.