
Since I'm on a blogging roll...

Addison had her six month checkup today! I cannot believe it has already been six months since we brought her home. She is right on track with her height and weight. 16.1 pounds and 25 1/2 inches long. After she got her four shots (holy cow) I was putting her pants on when I heard a "thud". I look over and Dodge had somehow managed to fall off the chair and smack the corner of his eye (the one infected with the awesome pink eye) right on the corner of the desk. There I am with one crying baby, and another crying injured 5 year old! It was quite an adventurous trip to the Doctors! Luckily, Dodge's eye just got a little scrape and a bruise and Addison went to sleep after a small bit of crying. I bet they are looking forward to seeing us again at her nine month checkup!!

This is Addison's first lady shirt my dad and "other-mother" Ruth got her while they were in Washington D.C. She is just too cute!! She has been rolling all over the place. I put her on a blanket and 5 minutes later she is ten feet away! She is getting more and more active everyday.

This is Dodge's pink eye with the scrape and bruise from his encounter with the desk. When I first said to Dodge that I think he has pink eye, he said to me "Oh no mom, I don't want pink eyes. I don't want to be sick". I told him we were gonna have to miss karate but we could watch cartoons in bed instead and he thought that was a pretty fair trade.
Here he is saying "I have awesome pink eye!!

Addison eating her carrots topless. Originally she had a shirt on... but she dumped her juice on it while I had my back turned!
I can't believe how fast time is going by. I know I have said that in almost all my posts, but it just hits me all over again when I sit down and think over the last couple of weeks or months. We have been so blessed to have so much in our lives. I think most of all, we have been so blessed with those around us and our beautiful little family. I just want to say thanks to all those who have been there for us. We love you and appreciate all that you do!


Chase and Nisha said...

I would seriously just like any gender that is healthy ya know!! I don't know why I am such a nervous wreck about that, there are some things I wish I was not educated about!!! But if I had my choice I would have a boy! Chase really wants a boy, and I think I would be a better boy mom!!

Shawni said...

Addison is soooooo cute.....you are all such a cute family! Its so wonderful to hear you are doing well and loving life.

Janette said...

I can't believe Addison had her 6 month appt. Wow, time is flying. I love it when they grow but hate it too. your fam is adorable!

Braydon Nielsen said...

I love the good ol pink eye look. Been there done that lately, it sucks.. Nice blogging

Erin said...

I didn't realize you had another baby. she is adorable. I just posted pictures of the new baby if you want to check it out. Good to see you guys. -Erin