
Dodge's Halloween Party...

October 30th, 2008
Dodge's Preschool Halloween Party
Every year, Dodge's preschool has a great Halloween party and trunk-or-treat. This year I got to help with the party. Dodge was so cute as 'Captain Jack Sparrow'. There are so many cute kids in his class too. Addison was dressed as a pea pod. A few of the kids thought she was something else though. One thought she was a dinosoar (pea-o-saurus rex), and one though she was a tadpole. Kids are so stinkin cute!! We had a pumpkin toss, bowling, a trick-or-treat game, some crafts, and some great snacks. I have been really impressed with his preschool. They have the best teachers and Dodge really enjoys it. I can't believe he is going to be in kindergarten next year!

Dodge and Logan trunk-or-treating

Dodge helping Grama Mindy cut up some apples for the snack table

Captain Jack Sparrow (Dodge), The Doctor (me), and the pea pod (Addison)

Dodge checking out the pumpkins


Braydon Nielsen said...

Love the blog, and the Lil Pirate!!! I haved added your blog to mine. L8R

Mandy said...

What a good looking pirate! I bet it is so fun to help out at the preschool. I can't believe Dodge will be in Kindergarten next year. Wasn't it just that Christmas after he was born? Time has been going by way too fast.

Colby & Brenda said...

how fun, you are such a good mom to dress up... cute kids!!!